At the very beginning, Candid was obviously going to be special. Even preliminary sketches were very promising. Its New Edinburgh neighbourhood dictates proportions and it settles into them quietly.
Its red-brick melds in well with the surroundings, too. And while it fits in seamlessly, it stands solidly as an individual – a distinct personality.

Design Insight
Candid is defined by an open layout. Only one element, a central staircase, divides the space within. Two walls flank the stairs that link all three floors. A series of colourful openings punctuate the walls with friendly light.

Project Facts

Coloured Snapshots
The windows on the front facade give the feeling of a candid photograph. Passersby see snapshots of life, glimpses of energy, and movement through the glowing tint of the panes of glass.

Keeping It Fun
This custom wood slide is an energy burner for this family's three young sons and a perfect track for toy cars.

Design Insight
The rear laneway was never used. We repurposed it as access to the new garage.
Moving the garage to the back of the home creates more space for the garden in the front and obscures it from view.

Contractor: The Lake Partnership
Millwork: Woodturner
Concrete Countertop: Bill Riseborough
Engineer: Kollard and Associates
Photographer: Union Eleven